छात्र उपलब्धि

शीर्षक कक्षा अधिवेशन उपलब्धि / टिप्पणियां Attachment File फ़ोटो
Priyanka Prajapati won the Silver medal in U-14 High Jump, M. Kavyasri and Hanshitha bagged the Silver medal in U-14 Badminton at the 52nd KVS National Sports Meet 12, 8, 6 2023 - 2023
Priyanka Prajapati won the Silver medal in U-14 High Jump, M. Kavyasri and Hanshitha bagged the Silver medal in U-14 Badminton at the 52nd KVS National Sports Meet 12, 8, 6 2023 - 2023
International General Knowledge Olympiad at International level conducted by SOF 5D 2021 - 2022

Navpreet Kumar of Class V D secured first rank in International General Knowledge Olympiad at International level conducted by SOF and a gold medal with a gift voucher of Rs 1000/- with certificate of outstanding performance.

SCIFIC UNDER JIGYASA -2020-21 CLASS 8D 2021 - 2021

Rudra Naidu of class IX D secured first position and cash prize of Rs. 5000/- in science fiction/ short story writing competition, SCIFIC under JIGYASA -2020-21 organized by CSIR- SERC Chennai .

Class -10 (2019-20) -Topper 2 10 2019 - 2020

94.0% (470/500)

Class-10 (2019-20) Topper-1 10 2019 - 2020

96.2% (481/500)

Student Achiever - डाउनलोड (198.75 KB) pdf