
    About KV

    Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bolarum was started in 1980 with Col. G.S. Kapoor as the first chairman of the Vidyalaya and Mr. Jones Deva Prasad as its first Principal. The Vidyalaya was initially housed in the impermanent Cavalry Barracks of Bison canteen near NagaDeva Temple. In this place now the famous Army Dental College can be found. The school at that time did not have the modern amenities and infrastructure that we have today, yet it carried the crown of being one of the best school in the twin cities.
    The school was started from class I to V in 1980. At the beginning only a few teachers joined and gradually the school was upgraded and the expansion of the campus took place and the infrastructure was developed. The labs were gradually equipped. The first Sports day of the Vidyalaya was conducted in Docca Stadium.
    By 1984, the school was upgraded up to class X. Under the able guidance of Sri. Achunni ,the then Assistant Commissioner, Sri. S. Gondane, the then Principal.The school had carried out various projects and activities thereby making way for great future. Then the school had three sections from class I to X.
    The school was moved into current location in the year 1993 which marked the start of a bright future, with four sections for each class. Now the school had +2 level with science and Humanities streams. The subject accountancy was introduced as one of the options in the humanities stream.
    The building has bigger play grounds, better infrastructure and highly qualified and experienced staff of 72. Since then the school has continuously maintained an overall strength of around 1600 to 1700
    In 1997 a cultural extravagannza called’ Bhartiyam’ was presented at the EME Centre to mark the 50th year of India’s Independence which turned out to be a huge success.
    In connection with the Sports Authority of India yet another culturl and sports show which included the famous dance from Kerala ‘Kaikottikal’i and a splendid performance of gymnastics was presented by the students of K.V. Bolarum at Lal Bahadur Stadium.
    In 1998 a series of population and development workshops were conducted at our school.
    In 2008 All India KVS National Games and Sports Meet was conducted and K.V.
    Bolarum hosted National games for Lawn Tennis and Table Tennis.
    In2009 the Vidyalaya made another landmark achievement by starting commerce stream at +2 level.